Friday, April 29, 2005

In the summertime: Nosebleeds

Summertime brings about quite a few problems in kids; however not many appear as threatening (but are generally harmless) as nosebleeds. It is a common sight for a busy pediatrician to be confronted with panicky parents carrying a bloodstained handkerchief and a crying child.
The good news is that almost all cases of nosebleeds in an otherwise healthy child are medically not serious.
So why does my child get a nose bleed?
The nose has a thin lining (mucosa) that covers blood vessels lying inside the nose. This can often break if a child digs his nose, puts some foreign object in the nose, has cold or allergy or sneezes heavily, or suffers an injury to the nose. Another common reason is dry air that leads to the nasal mucosa getting crusted and bleeding.
Why does this happen in the summers?
As mentioned above, dry weather (either summers or winters) can cause nasal bleed.
Are there any serious causes of nasal bleeds?
Rarely, a nose bleed may suggest something amiss with the body's blood clotting ability. You may find the child having easy bruisability over the rest of the body in this case. Also any nasal bleeds after trauma need to be seen by an ENT specialist. Rarely, high blood pressure can cause nose bleeds.
How do I manage nose bleeds in my child?
Ask the child to lean forward and spit out the blood.
Apply pressure to the soft part of the nose and pinch it for 10 minutes.
If after 10 minutes there is till persisting bleeding, insert a gauze piece covered with vasocontrictor nasal drops (like nasivion/ otrivin etc.) and press for another 10 minutes.
If the bleed still persists go to a doctor, while still keeping the nose pinched.
DO NOT press on the bony part of the nose;
DO NOT apply a cold washcloth on the forehead;
DO NOT pack the nose (as when trying to remove the pack the bleeding invariably restarts).
How can i prevent recurrent nosebleeds?
Apply some amount of petroleum jelly on the center wall inside the nose with a cotton applicator an ear bud will do just fine)
HUMIDIFY your room, a lot of AC and/or dry weather can cause recurrent nosebleeds. A desert cooler is a much better option in the summers.
Put saline drops / warm water in the nose before blowing, and continue saline drops for a few days after an episode of nasal bleed.
Get any nasal allergies treated.
Never blow your nose with excessive force.
Sometimes taking Vit C/ Zinc supplements may help in reducing recurrent nasal bleeds.

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