Tuesday, April 28, 2015

What is preferred form of taking medicine - Tablet, Softgel, Liquid, Powder or Capsules

There are many medicine doses forms available for products like Vit D. Here is an interesting article that talks about these treatment options.

I quote the following from this article -- http://www.allstarhealth.com/blog/products-and-ingredients/tablets-capsules-liquids-powders-chewables/

Tablets are the most shelf-stable choice and retain their potency over a longer time than liquids, powders and most capsules. Tablets don’t offer the flexibility of dosing that liquids and powders do.

Capsules advantages are their ability to break down quickly in the stomach. drawbacks are not air-tight, their shelf-life is shorter than tablets.

Softgels offer superior shelf-life profiles to capsules, liquids and powders

Chewables tend to be lower potency when compared to comparable products in tablet and capsule form. They also usually have some sugar and flavorings added

Powders must be mixed into a liquid, shake or a food. Powders do offer great flexibility with dosing Liquid supplements shelf life is shorter than with other formats. They often require refrigeration Even when the bottle is shaken before each use, dispersion of ingredients is imprecise and less consistent .

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