Thursday, April 07, 2016

How to make Purees for Babies - Guest Blog by Dr Hema

We are now going to have regular guest blog posts from Dr Hema, from Little Moppet Store.
Here is the first one

Here are some useful tips in making purees for babies.

1. Sterilize the utensils and mixer jar before making any food.

2. Always steam the vegetables, as steaming preserves the nutrients than boiling the veggies.

3. Make the puree in such a way that it is not tooo watery, (as like it runs off the spoon)

4. To thin out the puree , you can add anyone of the following
  • Boiled and cooled water.
  • Breastmilk
  • Formula milk
5. Most of the babies will not like the taste at first, alternate between various recipes and they will slowly come to love the purees :)
Puree Recipes for Babies

1. Apple Puree

2. Carrot Puree

3. Pumpkin Puree

4. Potato Puree

5. Beet Potato Puree

6. Pear Puree

7. Apple Pear Puree

You can also check out other Puree Recipes Here Puree Recipes

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